
Saturday, April 10, 2010

Technology on the web...

I feel I must comment on the overwhelming amount of resources and products available on the web. I think I must have signed up for almost every bit of technology around....First Mahara, then Blogs, Voki, Glogs, Slideshare, Wikis, Flickr, Utube, windows live... the list goes on I really hope I don't forget all the passwords.

Circulation powerpoint

Check out this SlideShare Presentation: Above is a copy of my powerpoint on Circulation. I have developed this as a workup lesson to more practical lessons in dissection. It took me 2 days to research and put all the extra bits in like entrances, exits, movies and music. Please check it out on the forum too as it seems to work better there as an attachment. I am disappointed that music gets taken out in slideshare. Ok I have redone it. It took out my utube videos too but I have worked out how to get them back with it, if not in the correct sequence... Boy what a hassle. I have also signed up for Flickr and uploaded some photos of various things from my life. I really enjoyed the information about the interactive whiteboards and can't wait to see if the classroom I will be in has one. My daughter said her class last year had one and it was 'the best'! She said it was really fun and you could do lots of things with it and research just like the internet. I think Flickr is a good idea in that there are heaps of photos that students and teachers can use without worrying about copyright. I am concerned though how easy it is to get a half naked picture come up and the disgusting comments that follow them. I wonder whether the schools have better filters on their computers?

Monday, April 5, 2010

How to understand Mahara and our e-portfolio...

Mahara was a little confusing to set up initially but its potential for life long learning for both students and teachers is huge. You can store your resumes and all your certificates on there to have easy access to them when applying for jobs. Also it can be used as a storage and reference site for teacher portfolios, storing resources, lesson plans, favourite websites, documents sourced from schools etc. For students it can be similar in that could scan their report cards and school photos, assignments etc into Mahara for safe keeping and also for reference of applying for jobs or university. You can keep up to date with RSS feeds of your favourite news station or journal, and all this can be kept private, allowing you to choose you views it and for how long.

Wow Very interesting....


Wow yet another new thing learned!! Thanks Carolyne. You are a wealth of knowledge (and time obviously)...
First Blogs, then Voki's, WIKI's now GLOGS all the things I had never used but will now endevour to use in my teaching career to 'hook' students and also keep them engaged throughout their learning. The students can create an interactive poster online and submit to the teacher for marking. I signed up as a teacher as it has way more features and you can create a class. You also have control over all the students' Glogs and can formatively and summatively mark them. They can submit them privately to the teacher who can then mark and post a private or public mark and comment on the poster... How cool is that. I did a sample science one with embeded video, moving art and text boxes. This is so much more environmentally friendly and easier for students as they don't have to get parents to go buy cardboard and then cart it to school hoping it doesn't get wet or scrunched. Also they can keep it forever unlike our old posters that fade and crumple. Oh the possibilities.