
Saturday, May 1, 2010

Clouds lesson powerpoint

Check out this SlideShare Presentation: We were supposed to do a narration to go with this powerpoint but even though I downloaded the Freecorder4 from the web and did everything it said it would not record my voice. I have a feeling my microphone is playing up it worked for my Voki. So I uploaded some free music from Incompetech to go with the powerpoint. This would link into the Active learning theory and engagement theory.

Incompetech Free Music

This website is a treasure trove of royalty free music and tunes. Using music to enhance learning has been researched enormously, however, it is not used in classrooms as much as it should be. Unlimited Lists 8 ways of using music for teaching.
1. Music relaxes the mind and lowers stress levels that inhibit learning. When used effectively, it increases alpha levels in the brain, boosting memory and recall and allowing the brain to access reserve capacities.
2. Music acts directly on the body, specifically on metabolism and heartbeat. Listening to certain types of music can trigger the release of endorphins, producing a tranquil state that leads to faster learning.
3. Music stimulates and awakens, reviving board or sleepy learners and increasing blood and oxygen flow to the brain.
4. Music is mathematical. Certain musical structures stimulate specialized brain circuits, allowing learners to decode complex ideas more easily.
5. Music inspires emotion, creating a clear passage to long-term memory.
6. Music is a stage-changer and can be used effectively to get students into an effective learning state.
7. Music is a universal language, uniquely capable of crossing cultural barriers and training in ethnic traditions and values. It can set a dramatic stage for lessons in history, foreign language, sociology, political studies and geography.
8. Music is a powerful anchor that moors learning in memory.
I used a u tube video on clouds for the end of a lesson on clouds with a fantastic uplifting soundtrack. The students thought it was great, it really settled them down as it was the last lesson on a Friday afternoon and then I had them look out the window and draw which clouds they saw. They seemed to want to interact a lot more after.
I would like to introduce music more into the classroom and will continue to research this as most us listen to background music whilst studying and most students would like to bring their ipods and listen to them however, then they can't hear what is being asked. So there would need to be a happy medium.
Dryden, G. V. (1999). The Learning Revolution. Auckland: The Learning Web Ltd.

Gizmos, Interactive whiteboards

Gizmos is another website that is fully interactive to keep students engaged and exploring learning. It enhances their learning and focuses on the 'Ah-Hah!" moment when something in the students mind clicks and it all finally makes sense. This is crucial in learning but especially so in the subjects of science and maths where rules, theories and experiments are needed to be understood to analyse and eventually come up with the answers. Gizmos help teachers provide examples and interactive experiments in a safe environment using technology. I believe I will use these whenever possible and especially where there is opportunity to access a interactive whiteboard. The Gizmo website research paper states that it powers inquiry and understanding and 'students become active learners who participate in building their own understanding." This also fulfills some of Marzano's Dimensions of Learning. Dimensions 2, 3, 4 and even some of 5 are needed when using Gizmos effectively. These all come to life on the interactive whiteboard which can be used just like a computer, but touch screen and totally user friendly. There is only one interactive whiteboard in the library at the school I am doing my practical placement. It is generally used by the lower grades although I will endeavor to get down there when there isn't a class and try to upskill enough to utilize it in one of my lessons along with the Gizmo so the students can actually do the problems and simulations on the board itself. This will help keep the students engaged and fulfill Dimensions 1 and 5 with creative thinking and critical thinking.

Marzano, R.J., & Pickering, D.J. (1997). Dimensions of learning: Teacher’s manual (2nd ed). Aurora, Colarado, USA: McREL (Mid-continent Regional Educational Laboratory).

Friday, April 30, 2010

Utube video I could utilise as a teaching aid in Biology

This is a utube video on Meiosis. The next section the Yr 11 Biology students are studying is Meiosis and Mitosis. This video could be used at the start of the lesson as a 'Hook' to engage the students in the topic. Also the fact that it is another students assessment item would help appeal to them and maybe even give them ideas as to what they themselves could do for their assignment.


Wikipedia is the worlds biggest WIKI. This has both its advantages and disadvantages. The advantages are that it is full of information on every subject you can think of and some great links to extra resources. The disadvantages are that being a wiki anybody can edit the information and therefore it is not always accurate. Teachers realise this and students are not allowed to use wikipedia as a reference for their assignments. They may access it to get information, but must find other websites or texts to verify the information is correct. I did look up Biology as directed in our study guide and came up with some great websites that link to authentic resources. Students could use wikipedia in this way, as a sourcing document to ensure accurate referencing. Wikipedia is also a great way of explaining how and why to use wikis for research and assignments.

Google Earth

Wow.. I didn't realise how interactive Google Earth was. This would have been a fantastic resource to use while the Volcano was erupting. This is very engaging and would keep students entertained for ages. I think the idea of a virtual fieldtrip would be very informative and the students could learn a lot. Google Earth allows students to choose an area or Building and even zoom right down to the 3D view where they can see buildings in 3D, plus if the building hasn't already been drawn and uploaded in 3 D they have the opportunity to do it themselves which would be great for maths, graphics or art.

Thursday, April 29, 2010


Storybird is so interesting. This site has many possibilities. Although the storybook I created would be more for the younger child. There is the potential to enhance learning via engagement and reciprocal teaching. One possibility could be to get older students to analyse all the pictures available to them under one theme, ask them to create a story to go with the pictures that will teach a younger student something of use. This would also encompass the higher order level of thinking required in Blooms Taxonomy of comprehension, analysis and synthesis.
So even though at first I was only thinking of this as a technology for younger grades, once I started thinking laterally the options are endless.

Walk through the Jungle on Storybird

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


More technology thanks Kristine. These are great fun. I think these would be great for students to create dialogues for almost every subject. They could use them to explain experiments, maths, plays, question answer. Then add backgrounds and music to keep them interested.