
Saturday, May 1, 2010

Gizmos, Interactive whiteboards

Gizmos is another website that is fully interactive to keep students engaged and exploring learning. It enhances their learning and focuses on the 'Ah-Hah!" moment when something in the students mind clicks and it all finally makes sense. This is crucial in learning but especially so in the subjects of science and maths where rules, theories and experiments are needed to be understood to analyse and eventually come up with the answers. Gizmos help teachers provide examples and interactive experiments in a safe environment using technology. I believe I will use these whenever possible and especially where there is opportunity to access a interactive whiteboard. The Gizmo website research paper states that it powers inquiry and understanding and 'students become active learners who participate in building their own understanding." This also fulfills some of Marzano's Dimensions of Learning. Dimensions 2, 3, 4 and even some of 5 are needed when using Gizmos effectively. These all come to life on the interactive whiteboard which can be used just like a computer, but touch screen and totally user friendly. There is only one interactive whiteboard in the library at the school I am doing my practical placement. It is generally used by the lower grades although I will endeavor to get down there when there isn't a class and try to upskill enough to utilize it in one of my lessons along with the Gizmo so the students can actually do the problems and simulations on the board itself. This will help keep the students engaged and fulfill Dimensions 1 and 5 with creative thinking and critical thinking.

Marzano, R.J., & Pickering, D.J. (1997). Dimensions of learning: Teacher’s manual (2nd ed). Aurora, Colarado, USA: McREL (Mid-continent Regional Educational Laboratory).