
Monday, April 5, 2010


Wow yet another new thing learned!! Thanks Carolyne. You are a wealth of knowledge (and time obviously)...
First Blogs, then Voki's, WIKI's now GLOGS all the things I had never used but will now endevour to use in my teaching career to 'hook' students and also keep them engaged throughout their learning. The students can create an interactive poster online and submit to the teacher for marking. I signed up as a teacher as it has way more features and you can create a class. You also have control over all the students' Glogs and can formatively and summatively mark them. They can submit them privately to the teacher who can then mark and post a private or public mark and comment on the poster... How cool is that. I did a sample science one with embeded video, moving art and text boxes. This is so much more environmentally friendly and easier for students as they don't have to get parents to go buy cardboard and then cart it to school hoping it doesn't get wet or scrunched. Also they can keep it forever unlike our old posters that fade and crumple. Oh the possibilities.


  1. Hi Penny, glad you are liking Glogs! I'd love to see the one you made, so let me know the url and I'll have a look. Cheers, Carolyne

  2. Hi Penny

    Wow, I didn't know about Glogs until just then. Really enjoyed the video you found on ePortfolios.

    I wonder if Glog stands for something - like how Blog is short for Web Log?

    Happy Easter

  3. Hi Tina and Carolyne,
    If you click on Glogs you will go straight to the site. I looked everywhere and couldn't find what Glog stands for but there are some really good examples for primary there.
    Thanks Penny
