
Saturday, April 10, 2010

Technology on the web...

I feel I must comment on the overwhelming amount of resources and products available on the web. I think I must have signed up for almost every bit of technology around....First Mahara, then Blogs, Voki, Glogs, Slideshare, Wikis, Flickr, Utube, windows live... the list goes on I really hope I don't forget all the passwords.


  1. Hey Penny, How are you? Yes I know how you feel, all these cyberspace gadgets we can possibly incorporate into the classroom somehow. I guess try some out and see which ones you like and some will be particularly useful for certain classes or subjects. I guess the number of gadgets is a reflection of how students of today are in tune with technology and confident in its use. Kind regards Justin

  2. Hi Justin,
    Yes confusing indeed. I just found out yesterday that the only ICT I have available is an overhead projector and the use of one laptop.:( The science building is being renovated and they say the 54 computers were snavelled up by the rest of the school and the one interactive whiteboard is screwed to a wall in the building being renovated and taped off as the building was full of asbestos. But where theres a will theres a way..
