
Tuesday, March 30, 2010


I have finally worked out how to do a wiki... I was in the wrong spot..I tried Webpaint but it wouldn't work..Now have done it in Wikispaces. Please feel free to check it out. I decided to start one on Biology as that will be one of my KLA's and hopefully I will be able to use it with my students. Wiki's are a multimodal tool that can include written text, pictures, photographs, audio and video or any combination of all these. Students can use these as part of an assignment to gather all information in one place, especially valuable if they need to work as groups. For example if they were studying the Ecosystem. Each student could be given a particular area to research. They can post their information to the WIKI, look at and comment on each others findings, and then work as a group to make the whole project come together for assessment. This would encompass Mode 2 learning by being produced in teams, subject to peer review and student-centred. The teacher could have access to the Wiki to check on progress and offer any hints or good websites. It would also link into Costa's 'Habits of Mind' with persisting, managing impulsivity, and thinking flexibly.

Houghton, J. & Sheehan, P. (2000). A primer on the Knowledge Economy. Melbourne: Victoria University
Heath , G.(2001) Teacher Education and the New Knowledge Environment. Fremantle: RMIT University

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