
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The wonders of Glogs

The Glog website is just facinating and the possibilities for this resource are endless especially for primary and I think yr 8&9. For teachers a glog is "a creative, dynamic, and innovative digital outlet that captures learner's excitement for online creations, keeps learners engaged in course content, and makes teaching and learning more fun.
A private and safe platform, monitored directly by teachers. Teachers control all the activities of their learners.
A valuable teaching tool that integrates diverse core subjects including math, science, history, art, photography, music and more for individual learner portfolios, unique alternative assessments, and differentiated instructional activities.
For Learners:
A fun, imaginative, and powerful learning experience which fosters independent creative self expression, positive learner-teacher relationships, and teamwork on collaborative class projects.
A vibrant, multi-sensory learning experience which integrates learner’s knowledge and skills into traditionally text-oriented subjects and motivates learner’s desire to explore topics in which they may previously have been less interested."
Reference: http://edu.glogster.com/